Monday, February 7, 2011

Computer Science Assignment

*1a) Start your Web browser and visit

Click the TAKE A QUICK TOUR button and go through all the screens that explain about a blog.

b) What did you learn that you did not know?

I'm a blogger before this and I can learn many things from other blogger entry. Its also give me many benefits such as a new information because information from blog is faster from other news network.

c) What type of blog do you find most compelling -- a group or an individual blog?

For me I will choose individual blog.

d) Why?

I'm prefer an individual blog because its easy to understand because there are not clumsy. I meant it because if group blog its may have many administrator that will control the blog. When many administrator post their entry this would make the blog have a crowded entry.

e) Submit your answers to your instructor.

*2a) Create your own blog. Carefully name it and begin your posts at this time.
b) What is your blog name and address?

c) What is its primary purpose?

d) Write a paragraph containing the answers to these questions and any other information you feel is pertinent.

My blog name is Shafiq Firdaus Officially. The address is The primary purpose I made it because I've to fulfill the tasks that need in Computer Science assignment. I'll not use it for another purpose because I already have another blog to write about another purpose.

e) Submit this paragraph to your instructor.